As a screen font, Cue Card is pretty illegible in sizes smaller than 36 point. Printed out, however, any size larger than 14 point works quite well. Check out underline (though this only looks good on the screen) and italic. See what happens when you have characters of several different sizes in one line.
This is a True Type font.
General Stuff:
This font is shareware; you may distribute it freely as long as this document remains attached. Please do not modify it in any way.
I won't go into a long autobiographical spiel, if you like this font or are feeling generous, please send your shareware fee ($5.00 or whatever you want to send) to one of the addresses below. If you do you will receive our gratitude and affection and also an original artwork postcard from my girlfriend which you will be able to sell for hundreds of dollars when she becomes famous. Please also tell us which font you are paying for, if you don't feel like it, I guess that's okay too though.
Okay, enough is enough. Please send in your shareware fees,